Fundraising With Us

Start Fundraising As An Orgnaization

Our Fundraising program is a great way to fundraise for sporting organisations from both the Government and private sector. Our team helps these organisations raise money for events, teams, infrastructure etc. through interaction with corporate, business houses and other funding organisations. Whether you’re raising money to build new infrastructure, buy new sporting equipment or fund athlete travel, a partnership with us can really boost your efforts.

Start Fundraising As An Individual Athlete

Helping individual Athletes fulfill their sporting dream SPF is an organisation run by Sports industry experts who understand the needs of an athlete. Get in touch with our team, to fundraise for yourself, or an athlete you know. Funds raised through our platform can go towards anything that helps you compete, for example:

  • Travel and accommodation expenses
  • Training and coaching costs
  • Sporting apparel
  • Sporting equipment
  • Food and nutrition
  • Medical costs